May 11, 2023

Christian Leadership Training in Church and Creative Industries

colleagues in front of laptop

Christian Leadership Training in any Vocation

The most creative person in the world is not from the world but rather the creator of the world itself. It’s possible that the only truly creative being is God Himself, while we are limited to imitating Him. But we’re made in His image, as Genesis teaches, so we have the ability to create using what He has given us. If we believe this, we can start to see our value as Christian leaders and creatives in the world. In fact, the level at which we create should raise the bar for other industries.

This article addresses two main questions:

  • What does it take to grow in creative leadership and train Christian leaders?
  • What does training in Christian leadership even mean?


  1. What Is the Meaning of Christian Leadership?
  2. What are the Essentials of Christian Leadership?
  3. What are Christian Leadership Skills?
  4. How Do You Become a Christian Leader?
  5. Conclusion

Earn your degree in Creative Leadership from Visible Music College

Creative leadership and Christian leadership training go hand-in-hand. Request more information about Creative Leadership in a Christian context at Visible.

What Is the Meaning of Christian Leadership?

At face value, Christian leadership means being in a leadership role while maintaining tenets of morality and the Christian faith.

What it means to a Christ-follower is that we raise the standards of any project, position, or path we are put in. Our standard is not Apple or Tesla. Our standard is the Creator Himself. We are to strive to create like Him. Sure, we can’t make life with our hands, but we can inspire others to live life more abundantly with the things we do, say, or make. The term ‘leader’ doesn’t come from subpar achievement.

It requires someone going ahead, being first, pushing limits like few before him or her. There are some essentials of Christian Leadership that will help you move to the next level.

What Are the Essentials of Christian Leadership?

While there are many incredible resources and programs that provide training in Christian Leadership, there is one place it must start: in the Word of God. Consistent encounters with the presence of God are not just a suggestion, it’s the primary requirement to tap into the creativity, wisdom, and power of the Lord. Through the study of and submission to God, you will grow in the essentials of Christian Leadership.

Who better to model these than Jesus? Despite what the world may call leadership traits, here are some Jesus exhibited:

  • Humility
  • Wisdom
  • Forgiveness
  • Empowered others
  • Served others
  • Invited the seemingly non-deserving

Do these seem to describe leadership like the books you’ve read before? Surely not, but the goal here is Christian training, and that is modeled by Jesus, our Servant King.

Philippians 2:7 says he “made himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant.”

The Bible is all about flipping the tenets of worldly teaching; consider these gospel paradoxes:

What are Christian Leadership Skills?

That all might sound good, but what does it mean practically?

In addition to the attributes of Christ listed above, here is a list of Christian Leadership skills earned through the pursuit of Christ and by partnering with amazing courses such as the Creative Leadership Program at Visible Music College or even the Master’s level program.

  • Team-building
  • Pastoring
  • Teaching
  • Traveling ministry
  • Biblical-based leadership
  • Story-telling
  • God-honoring work ethic
  • Biblical foundations
  • Mission-mindedness
  • Church administration

If that sounds like a lot, you’re right! It’s a high calling to work for the Lord, yet it’s the most rewarding and fulfilling thing you can do. We are made for God’s work; why wouldn’t we devote our lives to it and invest whatever it takes?

How Do You Become a Christian Leader?

By the time you get to this question, you should have a good idea of what it takes. It is possible to earn all of the attributes and skills listed above on your own. It is more likely you’ll follow through when you have a church leadership training curriculum to follow, like-minded people to your left and right, and instructors who’ve gone ahead to learn many of those hard lessons for you.

You can get to most places you want to, just you and God. However, you can go farther faster when you partner with a program and people who are passionate about your progress, Christian leadership, and mostly the Kingdom of God. You can take the first step by requesting more information.


You know the call placed on your life: to glorify God and honor Him with your life. It’s likely you or someone you know has identified some of these gifts in you already.

Look through the resources listed above, and seek God for your next steps towards Christian leadership training.