May 11, 2023

We Are Visible: Mackenzie Harris Shares Her Learning Journey

Makenzie Harris is a sophomore at Visible Music College Dallas working toward a Bachelor of Arts in Modern Music / Worship Leadership.

Makenzie Harris is a sophomore at Visible Music College working toward a Bachelor of Arts in Modern Music / Worship Leadership. She created a list of things she's been learning as a student attending Visible Music College.


Mackenzie Harris's Journey


1. What the music industry looks like.

One of the things that I am always learning at Visible is an up-close look at what the music industry is like and what it looks like to be working in different aspects of it. From gigging bands, recording, touring, worship leading, teaching, and everything in between. In my bands and professional advancement classes, I am learning practical knowledge from working musicians and putting it to work.

2.Getting better with my instrument.

In bands, music theory, aural theory, and in my music lessons I am learning to become better at my instrument and the theories behind it, so I know exactly what I’m playing. Since this is a hands-on environment, I am learning musical pieces in lessons and sometimes I am being challenged by getting "on-the-fly" experience in my bands class.

3.How to work with others.

I am being pushed to grow and become more proficient and professional by learning how to convey ideas that I have learned and I have also gotten the opportunity to share them with others. I am gaining the skills to explain music to anyone that may be on a future team or future students. Worship specialization has a huge focus on learning biblical concepts and being able to convey them confidently to others, as well as learning how to listen to others.

4.Study academically and spiritually.

Being at Visible, I've learned to prioritize studying for school but also studying scripture, both on my own and in groups. In my Old Testament Survey and Worship Leadership Specialization class, I am studying the word and learning how to apply it to my daily life.

5. Community and Accountability

At Visible, I am learning the importance of community and accountability. In worship, community, and accountability sessions I am able to learn just how important coming together as one body is. We are all learning how to come to others as we rejoice, morn, and worship together building crucial relationships. These relationships lead to a community that is pushing each other to grow and learn.

Visible Music College, founded in 2000 by Ken Steorts (founding guitarist of Christian rock band Skillet), is located at 200 Madison Avenue in downtown Memphis. Visible is an accredited college with bachelor’s and master’s degrees and certificate programs, with a fully online option. The focus of Visible is on creating small, intentional artist communities throughout the world that emphasize growth in three key areas: spiritual, professional, and academic.

For more information about Visible Music College, visit