"Music is important." I use this opening a lot when I speak at conferences, introduce myself in government meetings, or start off a presentation with students. I believe it and it is my “why” statement. Because music is important, we are a creative Christian community and, because creativity requires some training to be effective, we operate as Visible Music College to bring educational resources to creative Christians for the advancement of the kingdom of God. We have done this for 25 years.
Visible Music College has begun our 25th year this week.
We made a short film. We premiered it this week to our supporters in attendance and our staff and Board of Trustees.
Please watch it here at www.visible25.com
As we celebrate 25 years of educational ministry and over 1,100 students trained and out into the church marketplace and music industry, we would love to partner with you. From Terrian Bass on Gotee Records to Kyle Matenear on tour with Chris Stapleton to Brian Porter at Porter Guitars to staff of small and large churches everywhere, consultants and engineers and missionaries and artists of all kinds on every possible kind of creative mission, music is important and Visible is here to bless creatives and churches and the Christian community at large and our cities for peace and the love of Christ.
Here’s to another 25 years in Downtown Memphis and Remote Campus across the world - Visible25.