Dave Prince holding a home concert during the pandemic for his neighbors with Chad Carson, sophomore Modern Music Vocal major at Visible Music College, singing with other students.
Some people just have that voice. Every Christmas I get to hear even more new music than usual, with styles and voices of all types coming at me in every store, behind every story, and on podcasts and radio all day long. I always perform with Visible Music College “A Visible Christmas” tour so I get to hear myself as well, trying to stay even with some of the talent around me. Never do. The artists at Visible Music College are so good that they continue to surprise me with their voices. Each one better than the next!So it is with great distinction that I point out one particular voice and his effect on one particular person as the subject of my blog because I truly believe that Dave Prince loves Chad Carson’s voice more than most people can love a voice. Dave hosted some home concerts at his house to present Chad’s voice to his neighbors and show how music is important to bringing people together. Dave LOVES Chad’s voice. I do too!It is just that some people love one voice better than almost anything they can imagine and I think that applies here. Who’s yours?#kensteorts