When you attract people from around the world you just might be filling a need.
By our third year of operations, we’d added more cool staff and now around 80 students attended, including a good number from around the world. Our German students were inspiring and still friends to this day, our several Canadian students were deeply impactful on the music and community, and we had started with a few from the UK and now had some African and Asian students making their way to Visible in 2002-2003. The globality (Ken word) of the community was appreciated and accentuated and we worked very hard to make it possible for international students to join. As a way of doing this, we discounted to other monetary systems, gave scholarships for service on campus, and connected people with churches locally. “Global” is, after all, our number one core principle - to represent the global kingdom of God.
Visible is built around Bands and Songwriters.
With label operations and studios across the city and church positions aimed at talented songwriters and artists and leaders from the student body, we started seeing a rise in music each semester and pushing this music to our Nashville CCM connections. Some students started out with us at Visible and ended up in Bethel movement in Redding, CA, or IHOP in Kansas City, or at the church down the street leading worship for decades now. We have worked with dozens of ministries and hundreds of churches to place students in work and ministry since our beginning - always focused on vocational training not just college. In fact, our core mission is to BE a creative Christian community first and operate a music college from that position.
The Church is global, God’s kingdom is global, Visible’s students are global, and five minutes ago I met a new 2024 student who heard about us in Wales.
Raise your mind to the global reality!