Bands come together along lines of shared interest, shared loves, family, and shared desires of success. They are opportunities for growth, experience, creativity, knowledge, community, further opportunity, and notoriety. If you think back to your favorite musical group, you may realize how much talent was in each member and how they progressed as they learned together, often spawning several other groups. Practicing together when no one is watching is vital to growth. I attended a band rehearsal this past weekend and no one was in attendance except the two people that the band wanted to critique them before tour. Imagine getting a couple of people with more experience to tell you what you’re doing wrong or not quite right with your most valued skill. Coaching, you’d call it. We get so little of it from peer input with little experience yet we keep asking the wrong people for the right advice. This band was getting ready for a tour and wanted expert opinion and input. I could see the lines of communication opening up between the members of this relatively new band and look forward to hearing them live and watching the performance they get out of spending the needed time together and getting good input. Now for our societies to watch how solid bands relate and ask for input from wiser people a little bit. Music is Important.#kensteorts